Paul Mone

Performer, Writer, Coach

I'm an actor and improviser based in Belfast. I perform in musical comedies, teach improvisation, train organisations in creativity and public speaking, and write about Critical Theory.

© 2024 Paul Mone. All rights reserved.

About Me

I'm the Creative Director of Belfast Improv, an organisation that trains and coaches improvisers, and produces improv comedy shows in Belfast and farther afield.As an actor I've been lucky to work in a number of TV shows, as well as a few short films - two of which had had improvised dialogue!The greatest joy in my life is performing and teaching improvised comedy. I've taught across Ireland and the UK, the US, Europe and Asia, and have been fortunate enough to share a stage with International Improv luminaries Joe Bill, Neil Curran, Katy Schutte, Jim Fishwick, Jay Wang, Monica Gaga, Jonathan Pitts, and Luana Proença among others.I also work as both an organiser and consultant on Political Theory, and have recently written a number of essays on Critical Theory, which are linked on the home page.Follow me on socials, or drop me a line if you'd like to work with me!Bisous!


Improv Team

I'm the Creative Director of Belfast Improv, an organisation that trains and coaches improvisers, and produces improv comedy shows in Belfast and farther afield.The greatest joy in my life is performing and teaching improvised comedy. I've taught across Ireland and the UK, the US, Europe and Asia, and have been fortunate enough to share a stage with International Improv luminaries Joe Bill, Neil Curran, Katy Schutte, Jim Fishwick, Jay Wang, Monica Gaga, Jonathan Pitts, and Luana Proença among others.You can find out more at Belfast Improv, or check out Improv events in Belfast here. I perform at least twice a month so chances are you'll see me there.


Want to work with me? Send me a message and I'll try to get back to you ASAP.


I work for a range of companies, community organisations, and schools in the following areas:- Confident Public Speaking
- Creativity and Flexibility
- Workplace Culture Change
- Effective Teams and Effective Leaders
- Essential Communication: Boundaries, Assertiveness, and Relationship Building
Although my academic background is in Communication and Education (BSc Hons Communication; PGDip Education), my workshops tend to rely more on my decade of experience as a performer, teacher, and coach. I use Applied Improvisation and Applied Theatre to bring the workshops to life - because learning is more impactful when it's fun.My previous and current clients include Lego, Queens University Belfast, The Royal College of Immunologists, OutForm Consultancy, Deloitte, Allstate, Henderson Group, and more.Send me a message or contact me on LinkedIn.

My clients

Paul's Clients